Friday, January 8, 2010

I forgot about this!

I just submitted a photo for Much Love's Monday Project. I messed with my website to make a page and everything and I forgot that I even had a blog!

It seems that everyone is blogging these days. It's interesting really. Do they have a lot to say? Or a need to be heard?

But here's my entry....

january 08 2010

a little late on showing my heart… it's friday. i've been thinking about what i love all day and i keep coming up with onions. dicing unions specifically. Dicing each onion into small conformity. it's oddly peaceful i think.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


The JellO film I made in high school.

Monday, July 7, 2008

all moved in

I ordered mattresses for my apartment from this place around the corner. They were to be delivered around 10am this morning. It's noon, and they aren't here. During this long wait, I watched an episode of CSI, got Doug to send me his neon neon cd, and made this scrumptous sandwich. I got the recipe from a website. I added green peppers and I think the three equal parts made for a little too much soy sauce. Or maybe I just marinated the mushrooms too long. I have leftovers though and I'll probably eat them for dinner. Perhaps, I'll add some spices to it...

Mom and I flew to NYC to find an apartment, but we had to wait for our plane for EIGHT hours! Gloomy, overcast, and no plane. We checked out four apartments and I decided to take the fourth one.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


this used to be a skirt! and now it's a dress!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

grad + bomb prom

i'm a college grad.

me, ?, doug, paul, brian-?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Craftivism Capstone

Woooooo! My capstone is fini! I feel like it's a little all over the place due to the medium, but oh well. it's done

Sunday, May 4, 2008

eggplant pizza

Eggplant pizza with goat cheese on pre-made crust.